發言人:Cantau1999 日期:11/14/2015 21:32:45
內容: I am a middle age (just over 50) Chinese male and would go outside to have nude sunbathing and swimming by weekend (mostly on Sunday) within Hong Kong. If you are also over 50 male and would like to have a buddy when outing. Please leave me message in my email cantau1999@yahoo.com. We can share traveling expense when visiting remote area and also take care each other when being nude outside. 我年過五十, 男性港人, 希望在外享受天體時有同伴互相照顧, 分擔交通費之餘亦可減少風險, 如閣下男性, 年齡五十以上, 亦有同樣想法, 歡迎跟我聯絡 電郵 cantau1999@yahoo.com.

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